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Please give to our 2024 Fundraiser

Your donations fund the day-to-day operations of our non-profit association:

  • keeping our database open & available to all,
    • technical infrastructure (website/mobile app) & a small permanent team
  • remain independent of the food industry,

  • engage a community of committed citizens,

  • support the advancement of public health research.

Each donation counts! We appreciate your support in bringing further food transparency in the world.


S Bright Brew - 50 cl

S Bright Brew - 50 cl

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7310401006963(EAN / EAN-13)

Vanligt namn: Starköl

Kvantitet: 50 cl

Förpackning: en:Metal, Återvinningsbara metaller, Aluminium

Varumärken: S Bright Brew, Spendrups Bryggeri

Kategorier: Drycker, Alkoholdrycker, Öler, en:Strong beers

Butiker: Systembolaget

Länder där såld: Sverige

Matching with your preferences



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    Näringsfakta Som såld
    för 100 g / 100 ml
    Compared to: Öler
    Energi 136 kj
    (33 kcal)
    −12 %
    Fett 0 g −100 %
    Mättat fett ?
    Kolhydrat 0,76 g −79 %
    Sockerarter ?
    Fiber ?
    Protein < 0,5 g +59 %
    Salt ?
    Alkohol 5 % vol +6 %
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 %


Food processing

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    Elements that indicate the product is in the 3 - Bearbetade livsmedel group:

    • Kategori: Alkoholdrycker
    • Kategori: Öler

    Food products are classified into 4 groups according to their degree of processing:

    1. Obearbetade eller minimalt bearbetade livsmedel
    2. Bearbetade kulinariska ingredienser
    3. Halvfabrikat
    4. Ultra-processed foods

    The determination of the group is based on the category of the product and on the ingredients it contains.

    Learn more about the NOVA classification


Analysen baseras enbart på de ingredienser som anges och tar inte hänsyn till bearbetningsmetoder.
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    Details of the analysis of the ingredients

    sv: Vatten, _kornmalt_, humle
    1. Vatten -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 33.3333333333333 - percent_max: 100
    2. _kornmalt_ -> en:malted-barley - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 50
    3. humle -> en:hops - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333





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